We talk a lot about empowering retailers with omnichannel solutions that drive growth and improve customer experiences, so what better way to back that up than with a customer case? Our partnership with Wellness Warehouse is a great example of how our Omnichannel Retail Platform (ORP) can transform digital operations and tackle the often complex challenges that omnichannel retailers face.

“Wolfpack’s ability to build business-specific conditions and rules into our stock and order management has been invaluable. They’ve helped us overcome a number of timing issues with stock on the move, and their system prevents the oversale of stock by showing exactly where our stock is going to be. ORP has significantly reduced the chances of order shortfalls and that’s invaluable to us and our customers.”
Rhett Delaney, Head of Digital, Wellness Warehouse

About Wellness Warehouse

Wellness Warehouse is South Africa’s leading health retailer with over 50 stores throughout the country. Wellness Warehouse offers carefully selected high-quality supplements, health foods, natural beauty products, eco-home solutions, and more. From day one they’ve always been committed to providing customers with the best possible products and services. However, as they expanded their digital presence, they faced real challenges in managing their online and in-store operations. When it came to finding a solution, they went to the market and decided to reach out to Wolfpack.

Stock Challenges Transformed Into Customer Lifetime Value

One of the primary challenges for Wellness Warehouse was the visibility of order and stock information across all its channels – a common issue for omnichannel retailers. Before implementing ORP, it was often difficult to identify why an order hadn't properly filtered through the ERP into the fulfillment side of the operation. This lack of visibility was causing delays, errors, and inefficiencies.

ORP helped solve those issues by providing robust chronological process visibility, making it easy for Wellness Warehouse to see exactly how and where a process failed. Whether it was an overstock or understock issue, it gave Wellness Warehouse the information they needed to fix it.

"Wolfpack makes it really easy to see how an order has gone wrong. They are miles ahead in providing visibility on the front end, where orders are captured, and also in tracking what’s happening in the warehouse and with couriers. It’s close to impossible to manually organize errors without their system.'"
Rhett Delaney, Head of Digital, Wellness Warehouse

Stock management was another significant pain point for Wellness Warehouse. Previously, their web store was updated with stock values only once per day, which led to overselling and stock shortages. With Wolfpack’s ORP, they were able to integrate real-time stock data across all channels, preventing overselling and ensuring accurate stock availability for every customer.

For Wellness Warehouse, customer retention is key. Their goal is to increase the frequency of purchases and boost customer lifetime value (CLV). With Wolfpack’s support in improving order fulfillment and stock transparency, Wellness Warehouse is seeing positive results in this area with customer purchase frequency on the rise and improved levels of retention. With more opportunities to deliver value to customers, ORP has more than lived up to its potential.

A Partnership Built on Trust and Expertise

Beyond the technology, the success of this partnership is also due to the strong relationship between Wellness Warehouse and the Wolfpack team. We deliver the middleware that Wellness Warehouse needs to deliver the best for their customers, but we also get on well, with regular meetings between teams where we hash out what’s needed to continue to deliver value.

"Wolfpack understands order management. Not only are Jodie and the rest of the team knowledgeable and great to deal with, they’re also completely honest. They tell us what we can expect from them and what they need from us right off the bat and that just makes working with them that much easier.'"
Rhett Delaney, Head of Digital, Wellness Warehouse

Looking to transform your retail operation and build omnichannel success? Contact Wolfpack today and discover how our expertise can help your business thrive.

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