Shopify is more than just a sales channel, it's the backbone of many modern e-commerce operations. Capable of handling thousands of orders, it's a powerhouse for businesses that want to operate at scale. However, its true potential is only realized when it's effectively integrated into broader business processes (we actually specialize in that, in case you didn’t know).

Our Special Sauce – Seamless Integration

What sets our ORP (Omnichannel Retail Platform) integration apart is the seamless interaction it facilitates between Shopify, your OMS, ERP, and pretty much every other tool that you care about in your ecommerce arsenal.

Exchanges and returns can be hard work, often adding a lot of additional work to customer service agent’s days – but not with our system. When an item is exchanged, we make sure a credit note, a new sales invoice, and an accurate calculation of any price differences are all handled automatically. All of that work is efficiently managed and synchronized with the ERP, including handling complexities like price adjustments, refunds, and additional costs.

Shopify is particularly popular because it’s a comprehensive web platform, with the notable feature of its Point of Sale (PoS) module that brick-and-mortar stores can use. That’s also tied in through our ORP to create immediacy you simply can’t achieve without it. Customers can collect their online purchases straight away from the store, triggering an immediate invoice and sales order creation, with no need for additional manual work by a sales agent. We've rolled this out for our client ARES for brands such as Under Armour, Crocs, and Birkenstock.

In Shopify, while many tasks can be performed using the UI, we've created automations that do a huge amount of the heavy lifting for you. By capturing every event with webhooks, we relay information directly to the ERP – essentially as a crucial translator. This not only reduces labor, but also minimizes errors.

Simplifying Multi-Marketplace Sales

One of our clients, operating across multiple marketplaces – including Amazon in countries like Italy, Mexico, and the US – faced challenges in managing product uploads and sales. Previously, everything was done manually. Within a matter of days, we developed a bespoke app that automates order retrieval and translates it into the ERP's language, freeing the client from the shackles of manual labor and allowing them to focus on customer engagement instead.

With these integrations, our clients find more time to focus on their customers. Instead of looking inward at operational challenges, they can look outwardly at the people most important to their business.

At Wolfpack, we're not just implementing a piece of tech; we're building solutions that transform our clients' businesses – we really believe that. By seamlessly integrating Shopify with other business systems using ORP, we help our clients handle the complexities of modern e-commerce while making it look easy. Our focus will always remain on automating and streamlining processes so that our clients can dedicate their resources to what truly matters – their customers.

Want to take your omnichannel setup to the next level? Why wouldn’t you? Wolfpack is here to help, so speak to us today.

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