Privacy and cookies

Wolfpack DCS BV (“Wolfpack”) values your privacy. Therefore we always ensure that personal information you provide to us or that we obtain ourselves will be treated confidentially. The following policy implements the obligation to inform the person(s) whose personal data are processed by Wolfpack. This policy is in accordance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Which data?

Wolfpack may process the following personal data about you, among other things:

  • basic data such as your name and title
  • contact details such as your e-mail address and phone number
  • identification data of the medium/device you use to access our website, such as an IP-address
  • the personal data you provide us with for the purposes of job application.
  • Address data to manage the orders for our clients

Wolfpack uses this personal information because you have provided it to us. For example when entering into an agreement with us, by entering your details on our website, providing your business card or by applying to our company. In addition, we may also obtain your personal information from other sources, such as the Trade Register or other public sources.


Wolfpack uses your personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

  • our services (in the context of the execution of an agreement)
  • marketing and communication activities
  • recruitment and selection (applications)
  • evaluation and/or improvement of  of our services
  • to comply with legal obligations.


Wolfpack can only process your personal data based on one or more of the lawfulness bases:

  • the performance of a contract
  • compliance with a legal obligation
  • if we have a legitimate interest which will not infringe your privacy


Wolfpack will not retain your personal data longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy or to comply with applicable legal obligations. Your personal data will then be deleted or destroyed.


For the processing of your personal data, Wolfpack may engage service providers (processors) who only process personal data on our behalf. Wolfpack concludes a processing agreement with these processors that meets the requirements of the GDPR.

Sharing with third parties

Wolfpack only shares your personal data with third parties to the extent necessary for our services and for the above mentioned purposes. Only if there is a legal obligation to do so Wolfpack may provide personal data to a third party, such as a supervisor or other (competent) government agency. The transfer of your personal data to such third parties takes place exclusively for the purposes stated in this policy and on the basis of the principles stated in this policy.

Third parties engaged by Wolfpack, who offer services as data controllers, are responsible for the (further) processing of personal data themselves for compliance with the applicable legal obligations. A processing agreement will be concluded with third parties who process personal data on behalf of and on the instructions of Wolfpack, as a result of which the third party is also obliged to comply with the GDPR.


Wolfpack does not use cookies on its website.


Because Wolfpack values your privacy, security is of great importance. Wolfpack has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure. All information is treated confidentially by Wolfpack and is stored on secure environments.

Your rights

Based on the GDPR, everyone has a number of rights regarding his/her personal data and the processing thereof. In this context, you have the following rights:

  • The right of access: You can always request access to the personal data that Wolfpack has collected from you.
  • The right to rectify your data: You can request rectification of inaccurate personal data.
  • The right to be forgotten: You have the right to ask Wolfpack to delete all of your personal data.
  • The right to object to or limit processing of personal data*: You can object against or limit the processing of personal data if processing is unlawful, incorrect of when processing is not needed anymore.
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to receive your data in a structured, common and machine readable form. In addition you have the right to transfer this data to another responsible party.
  • The right to object to profiling: If your personal is used for automated decision making without any human interference, you have the right to object to this. Note that profiling is not done by Wolfpack.
  • The right to withdraw prior consent*: You have the right to withdraw any prior consent given for processing of your personal data.
  • Right to file complaint with Dutch Data Protection Authority: If you feel that Wolfpack does not comply to the GDPR, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

* You should take into account that there may be circumstances in which Wolfpack is obliged to retain your data in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations e.g. tax related regulations.

To ensure that Wolfpack provides the relevant personal data to the correct person on the basis of your request, Wolfpack asks you to provide proof to verify your identity. Wolfpack will only process requests that relate to your own personal data.


Changes to our privacy policy are published on the Wolfpack website. We therefore advise you to consult our website regularly.


If you have any further questions, requests or complaints about the processing of your personal data, please contact us here We will be happy to help you find a solution.