We’re not here to preach. We’re not interested in credit or attention for helping. We want to put more eyeballs on the work of Ikamva Labantu, and help more kids in South Africa be successful at school.

A Great Project

We wanted to share with you one of the highlights of our recent trip to South Africa. We met with Helen Lieberman, founder of Ikamva Labantu. This foundation focuses on early childhood development, disability care, foster homes, shelters, elderly care, economic empowerment, food security, and youth development.

The work that Ikamva Labantu has done over the course of its 60-year history is staggering. They manage to provide over 300,000 meals at senior clubs each year, 1200 seniors helped daily through club programs, and 1900 children helped annually through Early Childhood Development (ECD) training programs.

Together with another of our partners, Cow Hills, we are supporting a project to supply 100 kids with school uniforms and school materials, which gives them the opportunity to go to school, and drastically reduces the risk of school drop-outs. The focus on education and tangible projects aligns well with our ambition to give back in a practical and direct way.

It’s not about handouts, it’s about hand-ups. One of the biggest reasons that kids drop out of education, particularly in South Africa, is due to a lack of resources. By supplying uniforms and other school materials, we can help a big group of students stay on track with their learning and build them up, ready for work and the rest of their lives. It might seem like a simple gesture, but these are the sorts of things that really help ease the struggles that some of these students face.

This also isn’t a one-and-done situation. Just like all the partners we work with, this is a relationship we want to nurture and grow for many years to come. We’re in it for the long haul and want to help make Ikamva make a positive impact for as long as possible.

As part of that commitment, we want to encourage others to donate to this brilliant charity. Help fund kids in education and grow the total raised beyond the already great $12,313. Anything you give really will make a big difference.


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